3 Bedrooms 1 Bathrooms 2 Reception
ENTRANCE PORCH Twin glazed doors leads to the entrance porch which has a tiled floor.
ENTRANCE HALL Double glazed entrance door with stained glass lead light insets and an adjacent side screen leads to the entrance hall. Stairs lead to the first floor. Storage cupboard. Radiator.
CLOAKROOM Low level wc and a corner wash basin. Two obscure double glazed windows to the side. Radiator.
LOUNGE Double glazed window to the front. Double radiator. Coving. Feature wooden fire surround.
KITCHEN/DINER Extended to the rear with sliding patio doors leading to the rear garden. The kitchen area is well fitted with a range of units at eye and base level with ample work surfaces over. Single drainer sink unit with a mixer tap over. 5 ring gas hob with an extractor cooker hood over. Built in oven and microwave. Space for a fridge freezer. Integrated dishwasher. Inset ceiling spotlights to the kitchen area. Two radiators. Door leads to the utility cupboard which has space and plumbing for a washing machine.
STUDY/BEDROOM 4 Double glazed window to the front with an electrically operated blind. Double radiator. Coving.
LANDING Access to the loft. Double glazed window to the side.
BEDROOM ONE Double glazed window to the front. Radiator. Coving.
BEDROOM TWO Double glazed window to the rear. Radiator. Airing cupboard housing the gas fired central heating boiler and hot water cylinder.
BEDROOM THREE Double glazed window to the front with an electrically operated blind. Radiator. Coving.
BATHROOM With a 3 piece suite comprising a low level wc panelled bath with an electric shower over and a vanity wash basin with cupboards under. Coving. Inset ceiling spotlights. Vertical radiator. Double glazed obscure window to the side. Fully tiled to all visible walls.
GARAGE Detached from the property with an up and over door. Personal door to the rear. Carport to the front of the garage.
REAR GARDEN In excess of 35' mainly laid to lawn with screen fencing to the boundaries. Hard standing. Side access to the front.
GENERAL Tenure Freehold
Castle Point Borough Council
Council Tax Band C